Dando continuidade à série de seminários sobre "Tecnologia, Lei e Sociedade", serão exibidas nesta quarta-feira (19) as palestras Jonathan Zittrain: Civic Technologies and the Future of the Internet” (09/11/2009, Youtube – legendado em português) e Vernor Vinge: Singulariy, and The Notion of Groupmind (Youtube, Jul/2012). O evento acontecerá no Anfiteatro do Centro de Informática (CIn) da UFPE, das 12h à 14h, e é  aberto ao grande público.
A série serve também de provedora de conteúdo às disciplinas "Seminários em Inteligência Artificial" (graduação) e "Tópicos Avançados em Lógica e Sistemas Dedutivos 2" (pós-graduação), ambas com o subtítulo "Tecnologia, Lei e Sociedade". Já há uma rede social formada para servir de fórum: "Tecnologia e Convivência”, acesse em http://tecnologiaeconvivencia.grou.ps/signin/warn/home.
Confira os resumos das palestras:

Jonathan Zittrain: Civic Technologies and the Future of the Internet – Harvard law professor and author Jonathan Zittrain discusses the unusual and distinctive technologies whose power increases in proportion to the people participating in them, contrasted with other technologies that leverage what the few can impose on the many, whether a PC virus maker who crashes millions of machines or a law enforcement officer who can use new consumer platforms to spy without needing help from (m)any private parties. This talk will discuss the prospects for a new generation of civic technologies to maintain the amazingly productive chaos of the Internet. Filmed at Singularity University, part of the November 2009 Executive Program.

2.       Vernor Vinge: Singulariy, and The Notion of Groupmind – Science Fiction: it has been a muse of geeks, techies and scientists for decades. Many of the technologies we explore on Singularity Hub were first imagined and explored in SF (star trek tricorders, the WWW, robot cars, etc), driving technologists to make them real, which in turn inspires a new round of SF. In thinking about predicting and solving global grand challenges, the storytelling and worldbuilding of SF has much to contribute. Singularity University’s (SU) 1st ever Science Fiction panel took place on July 17th. Hugo Award-winning science fiction writer Vernor Vinge maintains science fiction is merely a form of scenario based planning about the future of mankind. Vinge, a retired San Diego State University Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, coined the term “the Singularity” roughly 30 years ago in reference to a time of vastly accelerating technological change. In outlining various paths to a technological Singularity, Vinge believes scenario based planning is incredibly important when outcomes are uncertain. It gives you a system of symptoms to watch for, so you can plan responses for different sets of symptoms. If you are doing scenario based planning, having a science fiction writer as a loose canon in your next meeting may shake up the committee in a positive way. 

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