O Centro de Informática (CIn-UFPE) vai receber, na próxima sexta-feira (19), a visita do professor Daniel Berry. Docente da Cheriton School of Computer Science da Universidade de Waterloo, no Canadá, ele irá proferir a palestra "The four levels of requirements engineering for and in dynamic adaptive systems". 
O seminário será realizado no auditório do CIn-UFPE, das 10h às 12h. O evento é realizado pelo Laboratório de Engenharia de Requisitos (LER). Confira mais detalhes sobre a palestra: 

Abstract: This talk argues that there are four levels of requirements engineering (RE) for and in a dynamic adaptive system: (1) by humans, for the general behavior of the system, (2) by the system itself, whenever it is adapting based on changes to its environment, (3) by humans, to decide when, how, and where the system is to adapt, and (4) by humans, doing research about adaptive systems. Some example dynamic adaptive systems are decomposed into their four levels of RE.  

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Portal institucional do Centro de Informática – UFPE


Av. Jornalista Aníbal Fernandes, s/n – Cidade Universitária.
Recife-PE – Brasil
CEP: 50.740-560

Segunda–Sexta: 8:00–18:00