As apresentações serão realizadas amanhã (11), no Anfiteatro do Centro, a partir das 14h

Na tarde de amanhã (11), o Centro de Informática receberá a visita dos pesquisadores Antonia Bertolino, Emilio Cruciani e Roberto Verdecchia, que ministrarão uma série de três seminários de pesquisa no Anfiteatro do CIn. Com início marcado para às 14h, a primeira apresentação, intitulada “Applications of cross-coverage to test functionally equivalent programs”, será conduzida por Antonia Bertolino. Às 15h, Emilio Cruciani dará continuidade com o seminário “Towards Expansion Sensitive Multi-Call Rumor Spreading” e, às 16h, Roberto Verdecchia encerrará o evento, ministrando o seminário “Empirical Research for Greener Software: Where Two Worlds Meet”. Todas as apresentações serão feitas em inglês.

Roberto Verdecchia atua como Assistant Professor at the STLAB na University of Florence, na Itália, e Emilio Cruciani atua como Postdoctoral researcher na University of Salzburg, na Áustria. Antonia Bertolino, por sua vez, é, atualmente, Research Director with the ISTI-CNR (the Institute of Information Science and Technologies of the Italian National Research Council), em Pisa, Itália. 

Em 2021, Bertolino, Cruciani e Verdecchia uniram-se a Breno Miranda, professor do Centro, na iniciativa “Testing non-testable programs using association rules”, aprovada pelo “Facebook Research”. O projeto figura na área de teste de software, propondo uma abordagem de teste eficiente e escalável, que consegue definir o comportamento esperado após a realização de uma determinada ação (oráculo de teste), a partir da análise do histórico de uso da plataforma.

Seminário #1 (14:00-15:00) – Cross-coverage of a program P refers to the test coverage measured over a different program Q that is functionally equivalent to P. In this talk I will introduce the novel concept of cross-coverage that can find useful applications in the test of redundant software and of equivalent programs. We have conducted some studies in applying cross-coverage for test suite augmentation and show that additional test cases generated from the coverage of an equivalent program, referred to as cross tests, can increase the coverage of a program in more effective way than a random baseline. We also observe that -contrary to traditional coverage testing- cross coverage could help finding (artificially created) missing functionality faults. Finally, we are currently studying the application of cross-coverage for supporting the black-box testing of a program for which a coverage analysis is not applicable (e.g., proprietary software).

Seminário #2 (15:00-16:00) – The talk is about a multi-call variant of the classic PUSH&PULL rumor spreading process where nodes can contact k of their neighbors instead of a single one during both PUSH and PULL operations. The process starts with an arbitrary node of a graph having a piece of information and ends when all nodes know the information. We study this process on a class of graphs known as vertex expanders on which we prove upper and lower bounds on the rumor spreading time parametrizing them by k and the expansion parameter.

Seminário #3 (16:00-17:00) – In this talk, we are going to delve into how empirical software engineering methods can be applied in the context of green software. Based on a set of guiding examples, we explore how heterogeneous empirical methods, ranging from controlled experiments to qualitative analyses, can support the optimisation of software environmental sustainability. As underlying thread, concrete results regarding environmental software efficiency, both of “micro” source code level, and “macro” digital infrastructure level, will be presented.

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CEP: 50.740-560

Segunda–Sexta: 8:00–18:00