Evento, marcado para o dia 7 de abril, trará insights e reflexões sobre confiabilidade de sistemas e novas abordagens para tolerância a falhas de software
No dia 7 de abril, às 10h, o Centro de Informática (CIn) da UFPE receberá o Professor Kishor Trivedi para o seminário “Some Musings on Research”, ministrado inteiramente em inglês no Anfiteatro. Com mais de 50 anos de experiência em pesquisa, Trivedi, professor da Duke University (Estados Unidos), abordará estudos de caso sobre confiabilidade em sistemas como o Boeing 787 e a implementação de alta disponibilidade do protocolo SIP com a International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), além de discutir novas abordagens na tolerância a falhas de software. Para comparecer, não é necessário realizar inscrição. A palestra também será transmitida ao vivo pelo canal do YouTube do CIn-UFPE.
Com mais de 600 artigos publicados e diversas premiações ao longo de sua carreira, Trivedi é reconhecido como fellow do Instituto de Engenheiros Eletricistas e Eletrônicos (IEEE) e da American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), além de ser autor de livros consagrados no campo da confiabilidade e análise de sistemas. Sua visita ao CIn-UFPE representa uma oportunidade única para alunos e profissionais da área aprofundarem seus conhecimentos sobre as intersecções entre pesquisa acadêmica e inovações tecnológicas aplicadas.
Confira abaixo o resumo do seminário e a biografia do palestrante:
Resumo – We start with some reflections on the research in general. We then present some case studies of research on problems arising from real-world systems. Our first case study is about the reliability analysis of a major subsystem of Boeing 787 for the purpose of FAA certification. Our second case study is chosen from our work with IBM’s high availability implementation of the SIP protocol. Our work was instrumental in the sale of the system to a Telco customer. This case study also spawned off research into environmental-diversity-based software fault tolerance as opposed to the traditional design-diversity-based software fault tolerance.
Sobre o palestrante – Kishor Trivedi holds the Fitzgerald Hudson Chair in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University. He has a 1968 B.Tech. (EE) from IIT Mumbai and MS’72/PhD’74 (CS) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has been in the Duke faculty since 1975. He is the author of a well-known text entitled, Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications, originally published by Prentice-Hall; a thoroughly revised second edition of this book has been published by John Wiley. The book is recently translated into Chinese. He has also published two other books entitled, Performance and Reliability Analysis of Computer Systems, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers and Queueing Networks and Markov Chains, John Wiley. His latest book, Reliability and Availability Engineering, is published by Cambridge University Press in 2017.
He is a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and a Fellow of AAAS. He has published over 600 articles and has supervised 48 Ph.D. dissertations. He is the recipient of the IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Achievement Award for his research on Software Aging and Rejuvenation. He is a recipient of the Alan O. Plait Award for Tutorial Excellence for the tutorial “Reliability and Availability Modeling in Practice”, presented at the Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) 2020. He is a recipient of the IEEE Reliability Society’s Lifetime Achievement Award. His h-index is 115.
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