Nos dias 10 e 12 de novembro, no Centro de Informática (CIn) da UFPE, acontecerá o minicurso “A Smooth Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis”, ministrado pelo Dr. Amedeo Napoli (CNRS Senior Researcher, LORIA/INRIA, França). O professor ocupa a posição de Pesquisador Visitante Especial, no quadro do programa Ciência Sem Fronteiras. O curso sempre acontece das 13h às 15h, com carga horária total de 4 horas.
Estão convidados todos os interessados em aprender sobre a área de Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), com uma das lideranças internacionais nesta área. Os interessados deverão se inscrever pelo link A participação é gratuita.

Para maiores informações, entrar em contato com o Prof. Francisco de Carvalho <>

Detalhes sobre o minicurso:

A Smooth Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis

CIN UFPE Recife, Monday November 10th and Wednesday November 12th 2014

In these two lectures, we will introduce the basic principles and operations on which relies Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). In a first part, we will describe how starting from a binary table called a formal context we can build a set of (formal) concepts that can be organized within a concept lattice.

Then we will analyze the structure of this concept lattice and show how the initial data are represented and how they can be interpreted.
Next, we will give details on a simple algorithm which, starting from a formal context, is able to build the formal concepts and the associated concept lattice. Examples will be provided for illustrating all operations.

Finally, we will give an idea of two possible extensions of the basic setting of FCA, namely Relational Concept Analysis (RCA) and Pattern Structures. RCA is aimed at taking into account relational data, i.e. relations between objects. Pattern structures are able to deal with complex data including numbers, sequences, trees and graphs. This opens a wide range of possible applications for FCA and extensions.  

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Av. Jornalista Aníbal Fernandes, s/n – Cidade Universitária.
Recife-PE – Brasil
CEP: 50.740-560

Segunda–Sexta: 8:00–18:00