John Mylopoulos, professor emérito da Universidade de Toronto, Canadá, e da Universidade de Trento, Itália, visitará o Centro de Informática (CIn) da UFPE, sendo recebido pelo professor Jaelson Castro entre os dias 08 e 22 de novembro de 2019. Como parte das atividades de cooperação internacional com a Universidade, ele ministrará dois seminários e um minicurso com oito horas de duração. Tudo será gratuito. Mylopoulos é PhD pela Universidade de Princeton, Estados Unidos, e é considerado uma das maiores autoridades mundiais na área de Modelagem Conceitual e Engenharia de Requisitos. Os interesses de pesquisa dele incluem conceptual modelling, requirements engineering, data semantics e knowledge management.
Os eventos conduzidos por John Mylopoulos no CIn-UFPE serão gratuitos. Confira a programação e descrição deles abaixo.
Seminário 1: A Refinement Calculus for Requirements Engineering
Dia: 13/11/2019
Local: Auditório
Horário: 15h
Resumo: The requirements problem consists of transforming stakeholder requirements – however informal, ambiguous, conflicting, unattainable, imprecise and incomplete – into a consistent, complete and realizable specification through a systematic process. We propose a refinement calculus for requirements engineering (CaRE) for solving this problem, which is inspired by the typically dialectical nature of requirements activities. The calculus casts the requirement problem as an iterative argument between stakeholders and requirements engineers, where posited requirements are attacked for being ambiguous, incomplete, etc. and refined into new requirements that address the defect pointed out by the attack. Refinements are carried out by operators provided by CaRE that refine (e.g., strengthen, weaken, decompose) existing requirements to eliminate the defect under attack, to build a refinement graph. The semantics of refinement graphs is based on the notion of acceptable argument in Dung’s argumentation theory. This is joint work with Yehia ElRakaiby, Alessio Ferrari and Alex Borgida.
Seminário 2: Philosophical Foundations for Conceptual Models
Dia: 20/11/2019
Local: Auditório
Horário: 15h
Resumo: We review and analyze alternative answers to fundamental questions for Conceptual Modelling, such as: (a) What is a conceptual model? (b) Among models used in Computer Science, which are conceptual and which are not?(c) How are conceptual models different from other models used in the Sciences and Engineering? Our study draws from literature in Philosophy, Cognitive Science, Logics, as well as several areas within Computer Science, including Databases, Software Engineering (SE), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Information Systems Engineering (ISE), among others. This is joint work with Nicola Guarino and Giancarlo Guizzardi.
Minicurso: Graduate Course on Requirements Engineering (RE)
Local: Sala B020
Horário: 10h
Aula 1 – (11/11/2019) : What is requirements engineering? The requirements problem, refinement and operationalization; Short history of RE, including SADT, RML, KAOS, NFR.
Aula 2 – (13/11/2019): The requirements problem (RP): Jackson&Zave, Goal-oriented formulations, RP for adaptive software, RP for release planning.
Aula 3 – (18/11/2019): Requirements engineering in a social setting with i*: A social ontology for requirements; i* analysis techniques; i* examples.
Aula 4 – (20/11/2019) Engineering agent-oriented software with Tropos: The Tropos methodology; Analysis techniques for Tropos models.
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