Jacek Kibilda, da Virginia Tech, realizará a apresentação no dia 19 de dezembro no Anfiteatro do CIn-UFPE
O Centro de Informática (CIn) da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) realizará no dia 19 de dezembro de 2023 o seminário “Designing for Reliable and Secure Mobile Networks of the Future”, ministrado por Jacek Kibilda. O convidado é Research Associate Professor with the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative and Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering da Virginia Tech, universidade localizada no estado da Virginia, Estados Unidos (EUA). A palestra será em inglês e ocorrerá às 10h no Anfiteatro do CIn-UFPE com transmissão ao vivo pelo canal do Youtube do Centro.
Confira o resumo da palestra abaixo:
The role of mobile networks in our society has evolved, and we have become increasingly reliant on them to deliver vital services, including payments, authorizations, or teleconsultation. We expect that a decade from now, networks will play an even more critical role in shaping our lives, well-being, work, and leisure activities. These future networks must deliver extremely high speeds while being available, dependable, and inspiring trust. To arrive there means that we must require network designs and technological choices that provide extremely high reliability and resilience even under adverse conditions. In this talk, we will first discuss the emerging 6G landscape and its design aspirations. Subsequently, we will focus on some of our early research that concerns future mobile network design with reliability targets and the study of potential adversarial threats specific to 6G. We will end the talk with an overview of emerging research challenges in the reliability and security of future mobile networks.
Sobre o palestrante – Jacek Kibilda is a Research Associate Professor with the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative and Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. Previously, he was a Research Fellow with CONNECT at Trinity College Dublin and a Challenge Research Fellow with Science Foundation Ireland. Prior to his PhD, Kibilda was also a Research Scientist with the Wroclaw Research Centre EIT+. He is also a Senior Member of the IEEE and a Fulbright Fellow.
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